About God Raising Incredible Parents
Our Values...
-Apply biblical principles to parenting.
-Encourage successful parenting through measurable outcomes in children's lives.
-Strengthen parents to raise their children without neglect or abuse.
-Provide parents with tools to improve the domestic family structure in the home, including basic financial management skills.
-Support hope and healing through mentoring and discipleship.
Our Stats
Over 5,000 Mom & Dad graduates
12,000 Children impacted
85% Reunified
Linda's Vision
The Story Behind The Vision by Linda Kelleher/Founder-Director
I remember it was a warm sunny day after a church service in 2009. It happened that I was standing outside alone, which never really happens. Waiting for my children Brian and Steven to come out of their classes. The service was so powerful, I felt such peace. At that moment I happen to look into the sky and heard God's voice say to me "You will minister to many". I said, "God how will I do this?" He responded, "I will help you". I remember not feeling afraid or scared and a sudden breeze swept through me and it was gone. From that day forward, the flood gates opened and a whirlwind of events occurred. A book came to me, community people were seeking me out, a program was put together and we began our first Christ-centered parenting program approved through the circuit 12 on Sept. 2010. YES, GOD was in the government. Only God could have put this all together.
God had a plan for me, he knew I was equipped to carry out HIS ministry. Through faith and obedience, he opened doors and brought volunteers to carry on his word the BIBLE. HE expanded HIS ministry to what I once thought was going to be a single mom bible study in churches. Instead, he took us into the darkest places to share his word. He has opened the doors and allowed GRIP to be approved through the court system and we are helping families reunify. My children are 32 and 28. I have a grandson who is 5 years old. My sons have experienced me being a wife, and a single Mom, and through those experiences, God has formed me to share my walk with others. Today, I could not be more proud of my sons. Thank you for reading a very short piece of my story.
Blessings Linda
"Without Jesus in your life, you will have nothing" John 15:5
Our History
Birthed the Vision
Linda has a vision of what GRIP could be.
First Partners
Partnered with the Salvation Army and the Sarasota County Jail
Approved Parenting Class
GRIP received the approval of the 12th Circuit Court (Manatee, Sarasota, and Desoto counties). Director received certification structure observations and home visits.
Additional Sites Added:
Bridges of America, Janie Poe Gardens, A Place to Grow, Discovery Days Preschool
Curriculum Revision
GRIP's curriculum was changed to the evidence-based Nurturing Parent Program with continue approval through the 12th circuit court.
Dad's program at Sarasota County Jail recovery pod, and Mom's program at Manatee County Jail general POP.
Added Locations
Classes began at Bayside Community Church. Classes began at Remnant Church Cafe.
Added Classes
Dad's & Mom's class at Manatee County Jail Recovery Pod. Sarasota Medical Pregnancy classes began in English/Spanish. Prodigal Daughters Journey Recovery Home began classes.
Classes Began
SOLVE Maternity Homes began classes from all locations. Oasis Church Mom & Dad classes began.
Received Certification
The Founder/ Director received a National Training certification from the Nurturing Parenting Program. Salt & Light Productions releases GRIP Video.
GRIP Office
Blessed with GRIP office space at Remnant Church of Sarasota. Hired our first employee as a part-time administrator.